
ケニアの倫理的製造業者とのパートナーシップにより、当社は移転可能なスキルを備えた正規の労働市場で 93 名をフルタイムで雇用することができ、ケニアの製造業の将来と世界中で競争力のある競争の場を確保することができます。当社のドレスを縫う人全員に公正な給与が支払われ、雇用の安全、社会保障、福利厚生、賃金の保証が保証されています。


> 私たちの制作チームをご紹介します

スワヒリ語でトゥショーネは「縫いましょう」という意味です。私たちはナイロビにある Tushone という工房と協力し、マスクを含む製品開発や特別注文を行っています。


私たちはケニアで独自のテキスタイルを生産することを常に夢見てきましたが、2020 年の夏、ついにそれを実現できる規模と生産量に達しました。今後、私たちはケニアで栽培、繰り綿、製粉された綿を使用して、ケニアで独自のプリントを生産する予定です。私たちは種から店舗まで衣類を作っていることをとても誇りに思っています。




>会う エドウィナチェイクナ





model wearing a rainbow striped dress
The model is wearing multi-colored leaf print dress
model wearing a floral multicolored dress
Model wearing blue dress.
model wearing a floral blue and red dress
model wearing a black and white pinball design dress
model wearing a teal, black and purple shirt dress
model wearing a multicolored and black striped dress
model wearing a green, white and navy polka dot design dress
model wearing a blue lily design dress
Black and white brushstrokes batik
model wearing a green and white swoosh design dress
model wearing a rainbow swirl design dress
model wearing a pink and purple line design dress
model wearing a rooster and chick design dress in blue, red and orange
model wearing a black and white palm tree design dress
Model wearing a red, grey and maroon geometric shirt dress
Turquoise dress with black, white and yellow flowers
model wearing a grey ikat dress
model wearing a blue, red and white flower pod design shirt dress
Black dress with red flowers
model wearing a brown, red and beige floral design dress
model wearing a purple, grey, and white triangle design dress
model wearing an orange, white and green plant design dress
model wearing a pink and blue pineapple dress
Purple diagonal stripe batik dress
Model wearing pink dress with yellow seed design.
model wearing a blue, red, black and beige pinwheel design dress
Large brushstroke blue and white batik dress
model wearing a blue and green cactus design dress
model wearing a green, red and yellow vegetable design dress
model wearing a red, white and black squiggle design dress
model wearing a teal, orange and yellow pod design dress
model wearing a pink and white geometric print dress
model wearing a red ikat dress
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